All Dressing & Undressing

Woman helping another woman get dressed.

Adaptive Apparel Buying Guide

Posted by Brianna Maguire on Wed Jun 14 2023

The right adaptive clothing can greatly improve a caregiver's life by increasing comfort, enhancing independence, and boosting the quality of life for their loved ones. In this buying guide, we will discuss how to choose the ideal adaptive apparel, giving you the ability to select products that promote self-dressing and make daily routines easier for both the caregiver and the person receiving care.Read More

Helping woman put shoes on.

How to Help a Loved One Get Dressed

Posted by Chad Birt on Mon May 15 2023

Getting dressed is something many of us take for granted; throwing on an outfit is second nature. But for wheelchair users and others with limited mobility, changing clothes can be a time-consuming and potentially risky challenge.Read More

What Are Compression Socks: Everything You Need to Know

What Are Compression Socks: Everything You Need to Know

Posted by Brianna Maguire on Thu Sep 09 2021

For a lot of people, compression socks, or compression stockings, seem like magic. Just slip them on and enjoy relief from aches and pains, as well as a number of other health benefits. But they aren’t magic—they’re science.Learn about them.

Helping a loved one get dressed

Caregiving 101: How to Help a Patient or Loved One Get Dressed

Posted by Chad Birt on Mon Jan 16 2023

If you recently started caring for a loved one, learning how to safely change their clothing is a must. Fortunately, with a little bit of preparation, the right strategy, and plenty of practice, you’ll master the art in no time!Read More