
Laughing man working at office.

The Status of Older Workers in America

Posted by Brianna Maguire on Wed Sep 20 2023

With AI bringing a revolution to the workplace, no demographic is better suited to reflect on how these changes may parallel past changes than workers over 50. We wanted to gather insight from our most experienced workers on how the workplace is changing, what jobs they are still interested in, and their future career plans.Read More

Family laughing together.

Staying Connected With Grandparents

Posted by Brianna Maguire on Wed Sep 20 2023

Life moves at an incredible pace. Children grow up, friendship wanes, romance blossoms and dies and blossoms again. Through it all, a heartwarming bond connects generations and defies the rapid pace of change—the relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren. This cherished bond bridges the generation gap, offering wisdom, love, and a unique connection to the past.Read More

Feet and shoes.

What To Do When You Have Gout

Posted by Chad Birt on Thu Sep 14 2023

A gout diagnosis can be scary, but it doesn’t have to ruin your life. There are plenty of things you can do to relieve uncomfortable symptoms and prevent flares. In this article, we highlight some of the things you can do to make gout more manageable. Read More

Couple on computer.

Carewell’s Comprehensive Guide to Medicare Plans

Posted by Brianna Maguire on Mon Sep 11 2023

Medicare plays a pivotal role in ensuring that individuals receive the healthcare they need as they age. Medicare is a federal health insurance program designed to provide coverage for individuals aged 65 and older, as well as certain younger individuals with disabilities. As healthcare needs evolve over time, having a comprehensive and flexible coverage plan becomes increasingly essential.Read More